Blitz Chess comes to BeerHeadZ!

BeerHeadZAnnouncements, Events, News 3 Comments

Following a wildly successful ‘pilot’ launch, we are excited to announce our new monthly Blitz Chess tournament with the next installment taking place on Monday 2nd September! We are currently allowing a maximum of 10 players. If you would like to participate, please get in touch via email, phone or on social media to sign up. It is £2 (cash only) to play, and there will be prizes for first, second and third places. Please come along and take part, and let’s continue to build on the great success of the first event!

Win free beer!

BeerHeadZEvents, Giveaways

It’s competition Time! To celebrate the re-opening of our pubs we’re giving you the chance to name a special one-off beer that will be brewed exclusively for BeerHeadZ by Darren Shaw at the Urban Chicken Ale. To help us celebrate this joyous occasion, we’d like you to come up with a name for our beer that captures the moment in a memorable and amusing way. The lucky competition winner will receive vouchers for the commissioned cask beer to be served and enjoyed in the BeerHeadZ Lincoln pub once released and a curated box of BeerHeadZ prizes including a selection of craft beer. Please submit your entries using the form here. Closing date is midnight on May 31st 2021. Good luck!

BeerZ.UK Virtual Bar Event.

BeerHeadZAnnouncements, Events Leave a Comment

In an exciting collaboration between BeerZ.UK and Lincoln City FC, we are excited to announce our first virtual drinking event.Anyone who spends over £30 with BeerZ.UK will receive an invite to our Virtual Bar, which will be open from 7pm on Saturday, January 30th.This will give you chance to compare tasting notes and talk beer in general with like-minded craft enthusiasts.We have put a limited edition specially curated six-can beer box together for you for easy selection, but your purchase can be anything from the BeerZ.UK site to qualify. Anyone spending over £30 will automatically receive a follow-up email with full instructions on how to join the event.

Cloudwater beers at BeerHeadZ

Cloudwater cask at BeerHeadZ

BeerHeadZAnnouncements, Beer, Breweries, Events, News Leave a Comment

Cask is the word from Cloudwater! Only two years after dropping cask beers from its production, award-winning Cloudwater has decided to re-introduce cask in very limited quantities. Writing on their blog here they sate: “If you’re the sort of establishment that has a cellar that’s maintained between 10.5ºC-12ºC at all times, know to dispense cask when it’s conditioned out past any rise and fall of diacetyl producing VDK, and have enough stillage to serve cask beer when it’s ready and bristling with CO2, and not just when one of your lines is free, please get in touch here to register your interest”. Well, we ARE, we DO, we HAVE and we have been allocated casks for all four BeerHeadZ pubs! We are really excited to be among the first pubs in the country to once again showcase Cloudwater beers in …

Steampunks at BeerHeadZ

Steampunk @ BHZ – Calling all Steampunks!

BeerHeadZBeer, Breweries, Events, Festivals, Giveaways, News Leave a Comment

FREE Steampunk BeerZ @ BeerHeadZ BeerHeadZ Lincoln has commissioned Cheeky Imp brewery to brew us three truly EXCLUSIVE beers to celebrate the Asylum Steampunk Festival in Lincoln next month. They will be available only at BeerHeadZ over the weekend, 24th-27th August. Newark Steampunk aficionado Jay (Von Duran) Doran will be crafting special leather pump clips to showcase the beers on the bar, so big hoorahs to him! Also thanks to John Carcass of Cheeky Imp for rising to the challenge of creating these most excellent beers just for us and to Lincoln Steampunk Adie Trevelyan (aka Dr. Porridge) for getting involved in this project. One will be named BeerPunkZ – A juicy New England IPA, packed with Mosaic and Sorachi hops. The second beer – SteamHeadZ – will be a beautifully smooth coconut and vanilla stout. The third is a …